BAFC header image
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  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21
  • JFTP::connect: Could not connect to host "" on port 21

BAFC Sports Management
Fischerried 51a
82362 Weilheim

Tel: +49 (0)881 - 13 97 241
Fax: +49 (0)881 - 13 97 242
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Anbieter i.S.d. TDG/MDStV: BAFC Sports Management:
Fischerried 51a
82362 Weilheim

Steuernummer: 168/291/50046
USt-IdNr: DE 278997480

i.S.d. § 6 Abs. 2 MDStV:
Yüksel Yapi
CEO BAFC Sports Management

Liability: Despite careful control of the content, we don’t take any responsibility for the content of extern links. The operators are exclusively responsible for the content of the linked pages.